11-02-2020 Promise day



The fifth day of Valentine’s week is celebrated as Promise Day every year. This day is one of the most special and anticipated days of the whole Valentine’s week which is devoted to making promises. Promise Day is celebrated on February 11 after Chocolate Day and Teddy Day. Promise day is very important. Do you know why? Promises are the pillar of a happy and healthy relationship. So make this Promise day 2020 grand by making realistic promises with your loved ones.

PROMISES are made not to be broken, every time you are doing something wrong it reminds you that you had promised something with a person who plays a very special role in your life. A promise is a single word but it brings hell lot of things along with with itself any guesses? Well, it brings trust, loyalty, faith etc. You must have come across a phrase “It takes years to build trust, second to break and for forever to repair.” So once you make a promise never break it.

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