April 18 HusbandAppreciationDay



Every day they’re out there, caring for their families in a million different ways. Things have changed over the years, and Husband’s roles have changed with it. What hasn’t changed is the appreciation they deserve for all their tireless efforts. Husband Appreciation Day reminds us to take a little time each year to celebrate these wonderful men and everything they do.

*History of Husband Appreciation Day*

For as long as there have been wives, there have been husbands, and these two companions have worked together to maintain their families and homes. Of course, the role of husbands in families has changed over the years, but they aren’t any less (or more!) worthy of that appreciation!

Traditionally, if such a thing can be said to exist, husbands were the bread winners of the family, going out to work each day to bring in the money needed to support their families.

Looking back even further the husband was the hunter of the hunter-gatherer set, so bringing home the bacon was even more literal than it was when it merely referred to the money they earned to buy the bacon!

Now, anyone who lives in today’s world (that’s all of us) knows that the reality of the single-earner family is no longer true to our day to day existence. Instead, it is typical that both partners work, (or more partners in poly relationships), or in some cases it’s the wife that is the bread-winner, bringing about the term ‘house-husband’ for the stay at home male partner.

The most important role of a husband isn’t the money they bring in or even the work they do taking care of the home in the case of a house-husband. But the love and support they give to their partners. This emotional element is so much more important than anything else they do, and they are as tireless in this as in all other things.

*How to celebrate Husband Appreciation Day*

There’s a ton of ways to celebrate the man in your life, from the simple love note hidden in their lunch or left somewhere where they’ll find it throughout their day.

You can plan a special dinner, or get them that special thing they’ve been denying themselves to make sure the families needs are met. Whatever you do, just be sure to let the man in your life know how much they mean to you, and how much you value everything they do every day.

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