International FND Awareness Day


April 13

FND, or Functional Neurological Disorder

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When it comes to disorders and diseases, one of the most common misconceptions is that people are in control of their symptoms. With disorders like FND, that’s not the case.

As a matter of fact, many disorders and diseases don’t have cures to them, so for disorders that don’t have much in the way of research, it can be hard for doctors and patients to find ways of treating symptoms and diagnosing the problem.

FND is just one of those disorders that leave many puzzled and wanting answers. Read more here to find out what FND is all about, what this holiday means for people everywhere, and what you can do to help this cause.

*History of International FND Awareness Day*

FND, or Functional Neurological Disorder, is a disorder that breaks down the communications between the brain and the body, even when both the brain and the body are functioning correctly. FND can mimic other conditions because varying patients can have symptoms ranging from chronic pain to immobility.

However, many patients that come into a doctor’s office get diagnosed with diseases that have routes in the organic body rather than that of the mind. With FND, the symptoms come from neither psychological or organic routes, but the pain still exists, hence why FND is not as widely heard of unlike diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease. Currently, the best treatment plans available are through physical therapy. hopes to help people who potentially have FND understand what it is and learn how they can find treatment. FND Hope is a non-profit patient advocacy organization that aims to help educate people about what FND is and how people can help towards the cause of funding research for the disorder and finding a potential cure for it.

FND Hope has locations throughout the US, UK, and Australia and their main goal is to help other connect globally through networking and encourages others to be advocates in hopes of finding a cure for FND. With multiple publications through various research magazines and thousands of people conversing in their public forums, the conversation about FND through their annual holiday, which they founded back in 2017.

*How to celebrate International FND Awareness Day*

If you want to help out with this holiday, then share their main holiday page on your favorite social media websites and use the hashtags #LetsTalkFND and #intenationalFNDawarenessday to let everyone know what day it is. If you want to help out more, share your personal experiences online about how FND affects you, donate to their organization and help educate people about what FND is and what others can do about it.

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