May -19 World Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day


World IBD Day takes place annually on May 19. World IBD Day unites the world in the fight against Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease, also known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Over 5 million people are living with IBD worldwide and with no cure or known cause, it is imperative to raise awareness of the impact of these conditions on a day to day life. World IBD Day is led by patient organizations and coordinated by the European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA).

World IBD Day: Significance
IBD, which stands for inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) are two serious, chronic digestive diseases that affect five million people worldwide. There is no cure, no known cause, and little public understanding of the pain and chronic suffering with which IBD patients courageously cope every day of their lives.

World IBD Day is led by patient organisations representing over 50 countries on five continents and is coordinated by EFCCA. Many other IBD organisations and IBD activists and other stakeholders have joined the fight against IBD over the years.

*Happy World IBD Day 2020*

During the global campaign for the World IBD Day 2020, every year, famous landmarks are lit purple in order to raise awareness about the daily challenges of living with IBD. People from all across the world come forward to celebrate this day so as to join the fight against IBD. Apart from illuminating landmarks, patient associations and activists also organise local supporting events aimed at lobbying and providing information about IBD.

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