Dear relatives, brothers and sisters,As you know that in the last few days the USPF team has visited camps where those who have lost their homes due to sea turbulence in Valiyathura, Shankhumugham and Bimapalli areas of Thiruvananthapuram.

One of the major shortcomings was the shortage of food. Rice was provided by the village office only in one of the major camp. That means they are not even getting a third of the ingredients for cooking. We know that there is a failure on the part of officials to provide food for those living in relief camps.Considering the delay in rectifying those shortcomings, USPF is planning to provide one time meal to the needy in the relief camps at Muttathara UP School. We are pleased to inform you that a Humanity Community Kitchen will be operating from next Tursday 15-06-2021 onwards. At the same time, applications for a number of USPF-wide activities are pending. Hunger is the main cause everywhere. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, the problem we see now is the same famine. This is a simple attempt by the USPF to address the food shortages during the Covid19 period.We humbly request that you co-operate as much as possible with your wealth, body and time.We humbly request you all to co-operate as much as possible with your wealth, body and time. Because, We reminds you that it would be a great prayer if you could give a single meal to the needy.Jai JagatTeam USPFCovid19 Pandemic Relief Rapid Action Center kunnil heights fifth floor 5B thampuran mukku near Infosys karimanal posts THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695583Land line 0471-3555609