May – 12 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

On the 12th of May, 2018,  join the millions of people who will be participating on this day by holding various events to raise awareness for fibromyalgia, an invisible and debilitating chronic condition.


*What is fibromyalgia?*


Fibromyalgia, or FM, is the causation of pain in bones and muscle. It is a chronic condition that affects approximately 2-5 percent of the world’s populations, and is most common in young to middle aged women. There is a myriad of symptoms, ranging from muscle and bone soreness, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, stiffness in joints and muscles that can last up to 3 months, headaches and numbness and tingling in the arms or legs.


*What can you do to help?*


There are many things that you can to help raise awareness for FM, these include; wearing purple, whether that’s a t-shirt a hat or even a bracelet to use to initiate a conversation about fibromyalgia. You could create a Facebook page, make posters or host a garage sale to raise funds to go towards research for FM. Or if you happen to suffer from fibromyalgia, you could share you story with others, so they can understand the issues from someone who is experiencing it firsthand.


1. Share your story: You can write it out and email it to those you want to help understand what your life is like because of fibromyalgia. Share the symptoms and the struggles. Post a condensed version on social media, letting people know your goal is to raise awareness.


2. Think purple: If you have an outside light, change the bulb to a purple one. Wear a purple fibromyalgia shirt, bracelet, hat, etc., not to draw attention to yourself, but to spark a conversation about what FM is.


3. Create a Facebook page: You can post articles, graphics, links to your favorite FM groups or blogs, anything you can think of to help raise awareness. Post the link to your page on all your social media accounts.


4. Join some national organizations such as:

– National Fibromyalgia Association

– National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association

– Fibromyalgia Action UK

– Monthly newsletter sign up from Emerge AU


5. Join a live or virtual Together Walk: You can start a local fundraising event through a virtual walk. Check out their page, it’s very impressive.


6. Make posters with info about FM and put them up in local store windows and libraries or bookstores. Be sure to get permission.


7. Have a yard sale or garage sale (perhaps involve your neighbors for a streetwide one) to raise money and awareness. Let people know where you will be donating the money you raise. Perhaps order some brochures to hand out.


Whatever you decide to do in order to make your impact for those suffering from fibromyalgia, every little bit helps get the word out there and helps those who suffer from this horrendous chronic condition.

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